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Mission :

A Public school. After having the experience of importing the education at graduation level to B.Ed. students, the society felt a need of formal school with a motive of all round development of a kid and training to B.Ed. students (future Teachers). The school should not only provide formal education but shall enrich the children with moral value so as to excel in every field of life. This need was felt after the various members took a survey about the education facilities already being available in the arena. It was notices that the school functioning in the area, through providing the education, are not focusing on  all round development but only competing with each other to education and while doing this they are not ready for the completion of school called LIFE. The school has restricting themselves so as to provide the syllabus contents and no attempt is   being made to develop the talent available. No focus on sports and extracurricular activities is being done due to which the students pass through monotonous routine of spoon feeding.

Vision :

Our Mission is to provide high quality education and childcare in a safe, respectful and inclusive environment that builds a foundation for life-long learning.


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