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Dear students

Be the change you would like to see are the famous words of Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation that reverberates down the ages with their timeless appeal. Never in the history of our nation did these words hold deeper meaning and relevance than today. We stand on the threshold of a great nation being ripped apart by sectarian values, religious bigotry and growing intolerance. The country that once celebrated it`s rich diversity and prided itself on its variegated cultures that painted a rich tapestry of vibrant hues of multi-ethnic, multi-linguistic and multi-religious diversity, stands in grave danger of menacing mind–sets that threaten to undermine and probably destroy this rich legacy, this treasured heritage. Now more than ever, let us through the agency of our institutions be harbingers of peace, unity and tolerance….. and where better could we start, if not through our schools that offers us the pooled power of young minds? Let us then arise to this challenge to bring in a new India where every Indian can hold his/her head high as citizens of a proud nation that can steer the course of its own destiny.


Mrs. Renu Bala

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